Blacktop is Kind of a Big Deal in Norway
You meet a lot of incredible people when you improv. Sure, yes, you meet a lot of incredible people throughout life, but improvisers are.... unique. We're driven to entertain... but we don't like doing it alone. We like having a family of support around us. We like stepping onstage, and knowing there's an expectant audience in front of us, and a great support system behind us who will yes, and us to success.
So. Yep. Improvisers = Awesome.
And...awesome people find awesome opportunities
A few months ago a new improviser, Tess, joined Blacktop. She is a wonderful actress with extraordinary range. We were happy to have her with us. And, then, she was cast on a tv show.
What TV show? I'm glad you asked.
Alt for Norge. Yep! That Alt for Norge. On TVNorge! Don't worry. We hadn't heard of it either, but it sounded like such a great opportunity for Tess. We are really proud of her. She was off to Norway, to discover the country in a The Amazing Race style adventure. Alt for Norge is only for those who have Norwegian blood, but have never been to the country. I don't know if they have a Irish version of Alt for Norge, but I'd do it!
You'd probably like a longer description of Alt for Norge. Here you go:
I dag bor det over 4,5 millioner amerikanere med norske røtter i USA. Vi har hentet 12 av dem tilbake til "The Mother Land". Deltakerne kommer fra hele USA. Ingen av disse norskamerikanerne har vært i Norge før, men alle har et brennende ønske om å finne tilbake til sine norske røtter. Men for personer som har vokst opp med Hollywood, drive-through spritutsalg og ost på sprayboks kan imidlertid veien til den norske slekta bli lang. Nå venter nemlig bygdefest, polferd, friluftsliv og smalahove. For dette er en konkurranse om å mestre livet som nordmann - og hver uke møter deltakerne nye utfordringer. Én etter én må amerikanerne forlate konkurransen og reise hjem - inntil vi står igjen med Den Ekte Nordmannen som vinner 50 000 dollar og sitt livs første møte med sine norske slektninger. Men for å komme så langt må deltakerne først bevise at de er villige til å gi Alt for Norge!
Crystal clear?
Before she ventured to Norway, she shot a getting-to-know-Tess segment for the show and invited Blacktop Comedy to perform improv with her. They wanted clips of us improvising for the show.
Well, we did it. And, the video is out! Watch me clearly know nothing about the wonderful Norwegian culture. I imagine polar bears make up 35% of the population. I'm kidding. I know more about Norway. (can I be honest? I will. I didn't know the capitol of Norway and asked the videographers. Turns out it's Oslo. Don't hate us Oslo. Just shake your head and mutter, "ignorant americans.")
Personally, I loved Betsaida, Jess, and Tess speaking 'Norwegian.' Of course, we didn't think we were really speaking Norwegian. Did you see the comments on Youtube? This might be our favorite.
Hilarious! Breathe Lassi117! We know at minute 1:14 was gibberish. Yes. We have the utmost respect for Norway. Don't send your polar bears on skis after us. We're vulnerable to your naval attacks. We know you have a cruise line.