
Last week, we began the second season of Gorilla Comedy. Gorilla Comedy is the Sacramento improv competition for high school students. Blacktop Comedy coaches each school, preparing the students for the games, running drills, and offering tips. The students have made incredible strides. They're better listeners, create stronger characters, and say "yes, and," because they're excited to see where the seen will go. We're really proud!

It has been such a huge success, and we're excited to see what's going to happen this year! We've even expanded with a new school. Encina High School joins Mesa Verde, Casa Roble, Mira Loma, Bella Vista, and Del Campo, in the Gorilla Games battle. Who will stand victorious? Who will win the improv competition?

Last week, Mesa Verde was victorious. The scores were very close, but with a couple stand out performances in World's Worst, and Human Props, Mesa Verde nabbed the bananas. Yes, the winning team gets a bunch of bananas. Bragging rights, and potassium. What a night!

This Tuesday the competition moves to Blacktop Comedy. The Blacktop stage will be filled with students playing improv games like Freeze, Dating Game, Movie Review, and many more. Please come support these young actors and comedians. They're creating great work. I know staying home and binging on Netflix is appealing, but live comedy is pretty great too. You can't interact with an episode of Narcos, but you can through out suggestions at a Gorilla Games show! Trust us, as soon as you walk through these doors you'll be glad you did.

And, hey, give a round of applause to San Juan Unified School District (SJUSD). They're doing something very unique. They recognize the power of improv for these teens. Improv is performing arts that functions like a team sport. Improv is all about supporting your fellow actor onstage, and backing up there ideas. That's a helpful skill in any situation, and these students are learning it now. As teens! Thanks for being so supportive of Gorilla Games SJUSD.

If you are interested in coming out to Gorilla Games this Tuesday, October, 20th, please note that the show begins at 6:30p and will run till 8p. The show is donation only, and the money raised goes back into the schools, helping purchase improv books for the students.

If you would like to learn more about Gorilla Games, SJUSD wrote a really nice piece about the performances last year.
