First, THANK YOU! It was recently announced Blacktop Comedy won for Best Comedy Club in the KCRA A-List. We were stunned. We had asked friends of Blacktop to vote for us, but never expected to win.

Second, THANK YOU…. SO MUCH! Your votes, made all the difference! And, we recently discovered, our friends asked their friends to vote for us. Thanks for believing in Blacktop and our mission!

New to Blacktop, and wondering what our mission is? We offer the region a world class theater, committed to sharing the best in improv and comedy, while offering students a supportive environment to learn and experiment with comedy. In short, we’re here to entertain, and teach, and we’re grateful you’re with us!

We want to assure you, we plan on being even better in the coming months. Winning Best Comedy Club in Sacramento doesn’t mean anything if we don’t continue to present incredible shows, and inspiring classes, and workshops. We’re not resting on our laurels. Honestly, we’re not even sure what a laurel is….wait a second...we'll Google it.


It’s a tree. Who knew? Probably dendrologists. Turns out during the ancient Grecian Olympics  the prize was a Laurel crown. So, that's what it means....even though they were victorious, they need to keep striving to be better.

We’ll keep striving. We love making you laugh!
