Over the last year I’ve gotten more into photography, and like very hobby…it requires buying some gear.

What was the piece of the gear that made the biggest difference?


Camera body?

Adobe Lightroom?

Nope. It was a strap. When I bought the Sony 6400, I quickly became annoyed with the basic strap they provided. While taking pictures someone noticed my frustration with the factory strap, and suggested, buying a Peak Design strap. They weren’t cheap, but as the photographer suggested, “it’s comfortable and lets you focus on your photography.“

In short, the strap helps me focus on taking pictures. That’s why I’m walking around the park….to take pictures. I don’t want to spend time thinking about comfort. I want to go into a photoshoot as comfortable as possible so I can just perform.

I think it’s the same with improv. What can do or give yourself before a night of improvisation that makes the experience fun? What little gift can you give yourself to help you focus on the scene, and your scene partner?

For instance, I realized a couple of weeks into improv, “I improvise better on an empty stomach.“ So, I eat before a performance. I know that little change makes a difference, and helps me get to the fun.

Maybe clothes? Are you comfortable? Get comfortable! Make those personal conditions something you want to return to, because if it’s a struggle you might give up, and say, “improv isn’t for me.“

I might have given up if I didn’t buy that strap because that small discomfort and frustration would ONLY occur when I was out taking pictures. I’d link discomfort and frustration to photography and probably give up.

Make success easier for yourself in improv. Think about what little comforts you can give yourself.
