Improv Burnout and Teen Slasher
Burnout happens. Nothing is immune! Even passions can feel like more work than joy. I was there in Burnout City, not Burnout Paradise...which is a fun game!
Burnout happens. Nothing is immune! Even passions can feel like more work than joy.
I was there in Burnout City (not Burnout Paradise...which is a really fun game! Go download it on XBox...they just released a remastered version...and it sure is purty. I think it's exclusively on XBox. If it's on PS4, I apologize. I have no allegiance to XBox. Just go experience the game...but after reading the rest of this post of course. I think you'll enjoy it...the post...and the game….but let’s focus on the post right now. Onward!)
And, damn, the population always feels like one, right? When you feel burnout it feels like the world is moving at a different speed, and you wish you were there, but you don't know how to feel that again. All around me are people loving improv excited to perform, and here I am sitting there thinking, "I don't feel the spark." I wanted to be excited, I wanted to feel passionate, but you can't force it. At least, I discovered you can't force it. When you "attempt" to get passionate again, and it doesn't work, you just slide further down into burnout and disappointment.
And, then, a wonderful thing happened! I walked onto the Teen Slasher set! I felt so warm, and fuzzy, and excited. The team had transformed the theater into a giant tarp covered kill room. It felt like walking into an episode of Dexter. The theater stage was quarantined with tarps.
Jay, Kevin, Sydney, Dustin, Troy and Austin had worked hours on designing the space for a very special two night, blood-soaked spectacle called Teen Slasher 8! Kevin and Jay co-directed this years show, and together with the cast developed the vision. They worked together, and came up with something special.This year Teen Slasher takes the bloody good time to space. Like any good franchise, eventually, you put that series in deep space.. All the greats do it! Halloween. Leprechaun. Jason. Dracula Hollywood have even tossed some Killer Klowns into space!
When I entered the theater I was awestruck.
...more then awe. I felt that spark, I felt that joy. I felt that, "wow. We can do anything in improv," feeling. You never know when it hits, but you never forget when it does. I’ve felt that way a few times. The first time was when I discovered long form improv. It was in San Francisco, and the team was Revolving Madness (they no longer perform...but damn they were fun). I remember walking away from that show saying, "you can do that?! That was amazing." That's how I felt walking onto the set of our Teen Slasher show, "this is beautiful, and amazing."
You can walk onto the set too, and feel all the feels. And, who doesn’t want to feel all the feels? But, your chance to feel the feels is fleeting!
Halloween, is your final chance.
You will laugh, you will be sprayed with blood*, and you will realize just some of the beautiful things you can do with improv. Will you be inspired? Maybe. Will you laugh? Definitely! Will you score some free candy at the box office on your way in? Of course! It's Halloween! Let's enjoy a sugar high together and watch improv comedy survival horror!
*We help you guard against that blood splatter by offering you the best in high-tech, space-age ponchos. Working closely with NASA** and the CIA***, Blacktop has created a marvel in protective gear.
"But, Paul," you begin, "are these just garbage bags?"
"Garbage bags with 3 holes cut in them! That's top-shelf tech."
**NASA: Nurturing And Sassy Animals
***CIA: Collective of Interesting Apples
Good Day Sacramento and Squibs
This Sunday turn on the tv, because Blacktop Comedy will be on Good Day Sacramento, talking about Teen Slasher, and the depraved surprises.
Flip on your TVs....on Sunday. It's important I add "Sunday." Flip on your TVs Sunday, because Blacktop Comedy will be on Good Day Sacramento, talking about Teen Slasher, and depraved things you can find in the show. Last time Good Day came to Blacktop we talked about fun and silly improv games you can play. Oh improv! So much happiness and joy. Well, usually. This time around it's about the blood.
We'll be teaching Good Day Sacramento how you make an affordable blood packet. Teen Slasher is a bloody show, but we realized very quickly and audience doesn't want us just running out and dumping a bucket of blood on them. We needed a more elegant blood adding solution, something that would get the audience excited.
Enter the Squib! It's capitalized because they're invaluable awesomeness. Squibs are packets of blood set to explode onstage and on camera when the audience is watching.
Most actors and actresses don't really want to be shot or bleed on camera, so squibs play the o' so important role of making that murder look real. They can become expensive though. When we first thought about using them in Teen Slasher we were priced out pretty quickly. They sure looked amazing, but we didn't have the money. Mix in technology, and squib triggers, and you can begin spending quite a bit on squibs.
Horror fans, and Halloween aficionados rejoice, because we figured out how to make squibs for cheap. Very cheap. Like 10 cents a squib cheap. We improvised a solution. Of course, you'll be setting them off manually in your hands, but our Rocklin audience at Blacktop doesn't mind. In fact, a blood squib works great for an improv show, because you're not really sure where they're going to "shoot" when you squeeze.
Over the past four years of performing Teen Slasher, the blood has gone everywhere. The record is 30 feet. Pretty impressive for a tiny little bag of blood. Just make sure and use blood that washes out. Very important.
Interested in learning how to create a squib? We have a tutorial on Youtube. And, be sure to turn on CW31 Sunday morning when Betsaida, Jordan, Cristian, Chris and Paul and the Good Day reporter will be making squibs and using them live at Blacktop Comedy. It's going to be fun.
Betsaida makes some Squibs!
Three Reasons to See Teen Slasher
If you know me, you know I love keeping things light & upbeat. [Warning: incredibly sarcastic statement ahead] Paul was shocked when I asked to be the director.
If you know me, you know I love keeping things light & upbeat. [Warning: incredibly sarcastic statement ahead] Naturally, I’m the perfect choice for directing Blacktop’s latest show, Teen Slasher. Paul was shocked when I asked to be the director. “You’re rainbows and baby kittens,” he responded, You sure you’re up for this?”
For the next week, I watched lots of scary movies, and I did a lot of thinking…. and some screaming. Yep, I concluded, I want to direct Teen Slasher.
Over the past two months, Teen Slasher has developed into something incredible. What makes it different? Three things:
1. Mystery killer! No one knows who the killer is….even the improvisers! The killer is revealed to the audience and performers at the same moment.
2. Splatter factor! Be ready for the bloodiest improv you’ll ever see. (First couple rows receive free ponchos.)
3. An incredible cast! I am so proud of these performers. They have worked tirelessly to create the funniest show possible.
The stage transforms this Friday, and every Friday in October for Teen Slasher. We will see you at the theater. You will want to let people know, “I saw that show!”
-Betsaida Lebron
Teen Slasher Director