Paul Burke Paul Burke

Making a Difference: NorCal Bully Breed Rescue

At Improv Impact we love helping nonprofits raise money and awareness for a great cause. We’re so glad we could help NorCal Bully Breed Rescue.

When I think back on 2018 I’m so grateful we have a theater and venue that can offer a stage to wonderful organizations trying to help the world. Our venue has been a great spot for fundraisers in 2018, and we look forward to continuing to work with the best nonprofits in 2019.

NorCal Bully Breed Rescue is just such a group. They held Paws for the Cause in 2018 at Blacktop Comedy, and money raised went to help at risk dogs in Sacramento and Placer.I had the chance to talk with Leah Kelsey, who organized the event, and learn more about the Rescue. If you were not able to attend Paws for the Cause you can still help NBBR. Leah was nice enough to provide some links below.

dog on tv

What does NorCal Bully Breed Rescue (NCBBR) offer the local community?

NBBR provides temporary foster homes to dogs pulled from shelters, strays, and medical dogs at risk for being euthanized and adopt them out to loving safe homes. The rescue also strives to educate the public on the importance of spaying/neutering and vaccinating your dog. The work that the rescue does helps with decreasing the amount of homeless dogs that are caused by abandonment and dogs that are not spayed and neutered in our community.


How long have you been with NorCal Bully Breed Rescue?

I have been involved with the rescue for a little over a year now. I am unable to foster so I help with dog transport from the shelter, events, and dog sitting. A group of us also helped walk dogs at a facility out in Chico during the Paradise fires.  

What's the best part of working with NorCal Bully Breed Rescue?

One of the best parts is to see the volunteers and owners in organization come together with so much love for these dogs and do whatever needs to be done to get them to a safe place. It isn’t always easy and can be emotionally taxing to see what these dogs go through and provide the care they need. The women in this group are some of the strongest, most caring, bad ass women I have ever met. Even after a long work week or balancing their personal lives they all step up to the plate to get the dogs to the vet or care for medical dogs with extreme needs, or drive long distances to do home checks. They do all of this without batting an eyelash and with so much love in their hearts, that to me is one of the best things to be a part of. 

What do you hope people learn tomorrow at Paws for the Cause?

The rescue does not only pull in bully breeds but I would like people to gain insight that bully breeds are so sweet and loving. I feel breed discrimination can be diminished with education and people giving these dogs a chance. I also want people to understand the importance of dog ownership, it is a long term commitment. Too many times dogs are given up to shelters or neglected which causes overcrowding in shelters and euthanasia of their pet. 

Where did you come up with the idea for Paws for the Cause?

The rescue has helped me in the past and I wanted to give back to them the best way I knew I could. It was so nice for my employer to help in hosting this event that brought in $2,800 for the organization. We also had a lot of local business’s chip in and Paul providing BlackTop Comedy as the venue for this occasion was beyond helpful!

If someone wants to help, but couldn't make Paws for the Cause, how can they get involved with NorCal Bully Breed Rescue?

There are multiple ways to help! You can visit their website to get details on using Amazon Smile that would donate a portion of items you purchase, you can send money donations via pay pal, or inquire on their Facebook page on how to ship needed items for their dogs.

If there are people interested in fostering dogs they can apply on the NBBR website as well!

Website -

Pay Pal -

Facebook -


If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Teleportation! Travelling would be much cheaper. 

What's something you know now, that you wish you knew 10 years ago?  

I wish I would have known more about overcrowded shelters and how many dogs on a daily are being dumped. I would have gotten involved in helping the rescue much sooner!

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Uncategorized Paul Burke Uncategorized Paul Burke

The Milky Way Improv Festival Lineup

Improv Impact has been organizing the Milky Way Improv Festival (MWIF), and we're excited to announce the comedy event exceeded even our wildest expectations

Over the past few months Blacktop Comedy has been organizing the Milky Way Improv Festival (MWIF), and we're excited to announce the comedy event exceeded even our wildest expectations. The festival is April 5-7th, 2013. Three days of improv performances, and classes. It's more then a chance to laugh, and see some of the premiere teams from Los Angeles, San Francisco, and beyond. It's a chance to come together as an improv community, and teach one another. These shows, and classes have never been available in Sacramento or Placer before, but.... they're coming to Roseville April 5-7th. Who will be at the festival? I'm glad you asked. Many of these groups have never performed in Sacramento or Roseville, and might never again. Don't miss your chance! Grab your tickets! Here is just a partial list of the incredible talent descending into Roseville: Kind Strangers (LA), Recchia (SF), HUGE (SF),  Billyhawk (LA), Made Up Theatre (Fremont), Empire Comedy (Reno), Bro Squad 5 (LA), Unscripted (SF) and more! If you want to learn more about the festival, check out the website.

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improv Paul Burke improv Paul Burke

Three Reasons to See Teen Slasher

If you know me, you know I love keeping things light & upbeat. [Warning: incredibly sarcastic statement ahead] Paul was shocked when I asked to be the director.

If you know me, you know I love keeping things light & upbeat. [Warning: incredibly sarcastic statement ahead] Naturally, I’m the perfect choice for directing Blacktop’s latest show, Teen Slasher. Paul was shocked when I asked to be the director. “You’re rainbows and baby kittens,” he responded, You sure you’re up for this?”

For the next week, I watched lots of scary movies, and I did a lot of thinking…. and some screaming. Yep, I concluded, I want to direct Teen Slasher.

Over the past two months, Teen Slasher has developed into something incredible. What makes it different? Three things:

1.  Mystery killer! No one knows who the killer is….even the improvisers! The killer is revealed to the audience and performers at the same moment.

2. Splatter factor! Be ready for the bloodiest improv you’ll ever see. (First couple rows receive free ponchos.)

3.  An incredible cast! I am so proud of these performers. They have worked tirelessly to create the funniest show possible.

The stage transforms this Friday, and every Friday in October for Teen Slasher. We will see you at the theater. You will want to let people know, “I saw that show!”

-Betsaida Lebron

Teen Slasher Director

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