verbal insult league

If you haven’t had a chance to come watch the Verbal Insult League at Improv Impact, you have an opportunity….right now!

FOX40 Live invited Al Shuman and Josh Means into their South Sacramento studio to educate…and share some cruel jokes. No one was spared. Even Scott and Gary got roasted.

We’ve included the video, below, as well as the transcript. And, don’t miss the next verbal smackdown in November! The Verbal Insult League returns to Blacktop on Nov. 22nd. Tickets are available, and we strongly encourage you to buy them online. Not only do you save money, you also guarantee yourself a seat. And, I’m not saying this in a promotional way. I’m letting you know tickets are available so we don’t have an awkward moment where I say, ”thanks for visiting our theater. We know you want some live comedy to feed your soul, and bring happiness to your life, but we’re sold out. There’s the door. Maybe next time.” I don’t want to say those words!


Gary Gelfand:    All right. From wrestling to getting verbally insulted. I love this show.

Scott Muck:        I love that those things are kind of symbiotic.

Gary Gelfand:    It could be.

Gary Gelfand:    Okay, here they are. We've got Josh Means and Al Shuman. Good to see you guys.

Josh Means:       Thanks for having us.

Gary Gelfand:    What Is this all about, tell us about this. This is great. So whoever to jump in...

Al Shuman:         Why don't we just show you...

Gary Gelfand:    Please.

Al Shuman:         Verbal Insults it’s a show where you're going to see some amazing, brutal jokes about people's deepest, darkest insecurities. Like my friend Josh Means here.

Gary Gelfand:    Already funny.

Al Shuman:         All right. He looks like the type of stuff that comes out whenever you pop a pimple.

Josh Means:       And, Al is dressed like the number one draft pick for ISIS.

Gary Gelfand:    Oh jeez.

Al Shuman:         You guys are probably wondering, am I a Comedian or a corrupt Politician? Is this guy going to make me laugh or take away my healthcare? Hopefully one of those things.

Josh Means:       He's actually dressed this way because there's a special lady at home...his parole officer.

Scott Muck:        Waiting for that.

Al Shuman:         Josh is just mad because he's not attractive enough to have white privilege.

Gary Gelfand:    Jeez.

Josh Means:       You may recognize Al from kidnapping Liam Neeson's daughter.

Gary Gelfand:    Whoa. Okay.

Scott Muck:        I Love it.

Gary Gelfand:    I love the insults by the way.

Josh Means:       We got some for you guys too.

Scott Muck:        Perfect.

Al Shuman:         Scott Muck.

Scott Muck:        Yes sir. Yes sir.

Josh Means:       You're the voice of the Kings.

Scott Muck:        I am.

Josh Means:       Which is crazy because you dress like a peasant.

Gary Gelfand:    Yeah. Nice man. I mean I like it.

Al Shuman:         And you look like a Little League Umpire and you look like the dad that he just injected.

Scott Muck:        How dare you throw me out? You really do look like that.

Gary Gelfand:    You're out! [crosstalk 00:01:29]

Gary Gelfand:    So, during the actual show though it could get a little bit dirtier a little bit more racy.

Al Shuman:         Yeah, there will be foul language. There will be innuendo. It's an adult show or, you could bring your kids if you're a bad parent.

Josh Means:       There was a kid in our last one.

Al Shuman:         Yeah, but he had sound canceling headphones on so we had to take the headphones off to cuss in his ear so that he could hear it.

Gary Gelfand:    You got to hear it.

Josh Means:       You got to make sure that he hears everything.

Scott Muck:        Oh my gosh.

Gary Gelfand:    How often do you do these shows? You do quite often?

Al Shuman:         Monthly, we do them monthly.

Josh Means:       Starting after next month will be the first Friday of every month. I got double bucks. I'm pretty good at this, but after that, it will be the first Friday of every month. We do it in Rocklin at Blacktop Comedy, eight o'clock. Super fun shows.

Scott Muck:        Love it, man. Good stuff. Good stuff. I'm sure someone out there thinks you guys are funny. We'll try to find him to.

Al Shuman:         [crosstalk 00:02:13] Verbal Insults. Instagram, Verbal Insults. Let's do it big.

Scott Muck:        There we go. There is the information for you right there. Check it out. Verbal Insults live Friday, October 4th at 8:00 PM Blacktop Comedy. You see it right there on Sunset Boulevard in Rocklin. Very nice. All right.
