By Jay Miller

CHICAGO, Ill. -- Comedy genius Michael Disher wrote ‘dildo,’ along with a number of other hilarious words on a list of suggestions he plans to shout at an improv show this weekend.

“It’s gonna be sick,” said Disher. “When they ask for a suggestion, I’m gonna yell ‘dildo’ as loud as I can from the back of the room. If they don’t use it for their scene, I’ll definitely interpret it as them not hearing me and yell it a little louder the next time.”

Disher, a Chicago native, has not been to an improv show before but claims to have seen every episode of ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway?’ to date. While he enjoyed the show, he always thought something was missing.

“Whose Line is great,” said Disher. “But I always felt like the audience suggestions could use a little drizzle of raunch. I mean, everyone knows sex is the funniest thing in the world, so there’s no reason it shouldn’t pop up more. Really, I’m performing a public service more than anything. Here, take a look at these.”

The list, as expected, was very funny. While ‘dildo’ was certainly the star of the list, suggestions such as ‘gynecologist’ and ‘stripper’ were other highlights the improvisers will surely be amused by and thankful to hear.

“It is, of course, a very funny word,” said Dr. Warren Lewis, a Chicago-based professor and comedy analyst. “Possibly the funniest there is. Just say it. ‘Dildo.’ See? The other suggestions Mr. Disher has prepared are marvelous in their own rights but this one is pure genius. The performers and other audience members are sure to be ecstatic.”

At press time, Disher had delivered his prepared suggestions to the raucous laughter and applause of his fellow audience members, who laughed more at the word ‘dildo’ than they did at the professional improvisers performing that night’s ‘Harold’ show.
